TC website BasisTechnologien Bild2


Reliably repels water, oil and dirt

Advantages and features:

  • Reliable water and dirt repellency due to fluorine-free hydrophobic finish
  • Reduction of the fusing temperature and increase of the fusing yield through effective use of activators
  • Solid protection against chemicals
  • Reliable oil repellency through proven technology



EcoPhob PLUS

EcoPhob EXT

EcoPhob 2.0

Sevophob Aktivator FK

Sevophob Aktivator NOB

Sevophob FHK-6

Sevophob FTC-6

Sevophob FTU conc

Sevophob FWB-6

Sevophob OW27

Sevophob PAK

Sevophob W

Sevophob WN

TC-Schnellnetzer KE