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We at Textilcolor have been dealing intensively with sustainable solutions for the textile industry for years and have created a comprehensive range of products  that include environmentally friendly products from pretreatment and dyeing to finishing.

It is not always possible to produce the complete range of textile auxiliaries excluding chemicals of a non renewable nature. By not using such components, the high expectations of these products are often not achievable.

BAST-Best Available Sustainable Technology therefore takes a performance-based approach. Products from our BAST portfolio achieve the current performance level of the equivalent textile auxiliaries with the maximum proportion of renewable components.

Through constant further development and the use of new technologies, our goal is to steadily increase the proportion of renewable raw materials.

Find out more about our BAST-product-portfolio in our brochure (Download) or contact us directly per
phone +41 (0)81 786 11 - 11